Measure problem
solving capability

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Organisations are looking for more accurate measures of not only the capability of an individual, but to truly understand their potential. ToRQ measures an individual’s practical work based problem solving skills.

What is Facet5 ToRQ?

ToRQ (Tailored Reasoning Questionnaire) is a measure of an individual’s practical work-based problem solving skills. ToRQ combines cutting edge testing processes with the power of personality to produce the next generation of cognitive assessment. It is the combination of capability and character that provides the most accurate measure of an individual’s potential.

In a nutshell:

  • ToRQ is ideally suited to the assessment of graduate, talent or entry level populations.

  • Individual and group comparison reports are easy to understand using clear visual layouts.

  • Results are available in real time, for download and use, quickly and effectively.

ToRQ delivers an assessment that is:

  • Relevant: ToRQ items are work samples created to match the modern working environment

  • Secure: ToRQ items are created ‘on-the-fly’ using precise design rules. No two items are ever identical, so answers cannot be copied and ‘leaked’

  • Realistic: ToRQ uses Computer Adaptive Test processes to ensure people are faced with questions that are realistic for them

  • Fair: ToRQ incorporates Response Latency Analysis to differentiate between people who differ in the speed with which they get to an answer

  • Comprehensive: ToRQ can be used at any level from school leaver (entry level) to graduate or managerial

ToRQ Assessment and Report

ToRQ combines a range of measures to provide a valid and reliable view of an individual’s cognitive potential:

  • Overall score: A composite t-score based on the candidate’s speed, accuracy and progression through difficulty levels

  • Speed: How quickly the candidate answered the questions relative to other candidates, regardless of accuracy or difficulty level. This can give an indication of patience or quick thinking

  • Accuracy:  How many questions the candidate answered correctly, regardless of speed or question difficulty

How ToRQ Works

  • Consists of 12 questions

  • Each question has 4 levels of difficulty

  • Difficulty level is automatically managed through the assessment

  • Question sets are dynamically created – so no two questions are ever the same

ToRQ – at a glance

Sample Report

Click here to download a sample ToRQ report

Training Required

No formal training required although previous experience of cognitive assessments is beneficial. Technical guides are available.

Languages Available

Currently available multiple languages. Check availability with us here.


12 questions, takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

PDF Product Sheet

Click here to download a ToRQ PDF product sheet

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