an individual’s journey
The Facet5 Lifecycle
Facet5 provides meaningful insights that transcend way beyond the initial profile. We offer a common framework and language to aid decision making – at every stage of a person’s journey through an organisation.
Facet5 data, captured only once, can be interpreted in multiple ways to inform and guide a whole range of workplace scenarios. Having such flexibility in how you apply the data means that a consistent approach can be adopted across the entire organisation and therefore really help to promote depth of awareness and understanding.
Needless to say, utilising Facet5 data in this way ensures effective use of the investment.
Below details how Facet5 data can be applied at each stage of an individual’s journey through an organisation . . .

Ensures the right fit for the team and organisation – by matching the individual to the required organisational values and culture.
Supports fit-to-role by defining behavioural success elements before selection.
Provides consistency of process to recruitment and selection with tailored interview guides.
Describes the motivations, drivers and work preferences – for early successful integration in the role.
Helps establish a strong manager – employee relationship.
Provides development planning opportunities within the first three months.
Strengthens team and individual relationships and understanding.
Provides a common language to assist teams with communication, feedback and issues relating to team performance.
Focuses teams on what is required to deliver their work through identifying team strengths and potential risk areas.
Supports coaching and development processes with insightful information and tailored reports for coaches.
Enables helpful performance conversations, by facilitating the ‘leader as coach’ approach for stronger employee development.
Identifies and manages strengths and areas of stretch successfully.
Integrates with existing leadership development frameworks and processes, embedding into leadership development programs easily.
Provides rich insights into personal style and how to lead individuals and teams, underpinning observed behaviour for sustainable development.
Builds effective change leadership capabilities.
Identifies emerging talent, allowing for focused development planning in current and for future roles.
Assists in identifying and growing the required organisational capabilities.
Integrates into assessment and development centres.
Defines and describes the culture in a common language.
Communicates the essence of the organisation – ‘who we are and what we stand for’.
Defines the ‘current’ and ‘ideal’ state of a culture and the role individuals will play in achieving it.
Supports employees on the next step of their career journey.
Provides meaningful exit conversations to ensure advocacy by the employee.
Ensures the right talent for the right time.