Our accreditation

Our community of Facet5 Practitioners span the globe. It is an ever-growing community of like-minded professionals that we are proud to see as an extension of our team.

As Practitioners, what we share is a belief that understanding your personality, really understanding it, provides people with a sense of their identity and ‘know-how’ to realise their potential and thrive in a changing world. Our Practitioners tell us that they feel honoured to be able to play a role in facilitating self-awareness in others and to be able to take it to the next level; to be the torchbearer, shining a light on an individual’s potential.

Facet5 virtual accreditation options

Facet5 Practitioner Accreditation

Help others to realise their potential and thrive.

TeamScape Accreditation

Identify and understand team dynamics.

SuperSkills Accreditation

Strengthen conversations to enhance relationships.

Facet5 Practitioner Accreditation

Our virtual accreditation programme delivers exactly the same rich and interactive learning experience as our face-to-face programme. The difference is you can now secure Facet5 Practitioner status from the comfort of your home or office.

About the virtual accreditation

Delivered by a Facet5 trainer, the accreditation is structured around modules and delivered over a number of online sessions that have been designed to stimulate curiosity and maximise learning.

We’ll take you on a journey of all things ‘Facet5’, taking a deep-dive into the:

  • origins of Facet5
  • theory of the Big5 & trait based personality
  • reliability and validity of the model, norm groups & response analysis
  • inter-play between the factors (and sub-factors)

Plus, we’ll also explore how Facet5 can be applied within your work to support selection, integration, personal, team and leadership development.

Over the course of the programme, expect to roll-up your sleeves and put the learning into action as you have a go at debriefing a Facet5 profile yourself.

On completion of the accreditation

The interactive content and activities ensure you leave confident and capable to readily apply Facet5 to the opportunities and issues you have at work.

On successful completion of the accreditation, you will. . .

  • Be an officially accredited Facet5 Practitioner!
  • Be able to accurately interpret and articulate an individuals’ Facet5 profile
  • Understand how Facet5 can be applied to explore a range of business challenges and boost potential
  • Have access to a global community of Practitioners to share best practice and extend the learning as well as access to the Facet5 Practitioner Support Centre
  • Be given access to the administration system allowing you to set-up and send questionnaires, access profiles, create projects and manage respondent profilescts and manage respondent profiles

Who is the accreditation for?

Facet5 can be used by anyone who supports people development and by those curious to understand how to get the best out of people. No specific prior knowledge or experience is required, although healthy curiosity will help!

Our current clients and Accredited Practitioners work across a varied range of industries and fields. These include In-house HR / L&D teams, Organisational development Recruitment & selection, Coaching & development consultants as well as Functional line managers

What unites them is a passion for understanding and developing others. Facet5 provides this insight and understanding to help realise individual, team and leader potential – across the whole employee journey.

Those who have no Facet5 experience will be invited to complete the Facet5 questionnaire and receive a debrief, prior to joining the accreditation programme.

“Facet5 Accreditation has been the start of an amazing journey of discovery for me. I feel I am now better able to support my clients with meaningful solutions and outcomes that meet their needs.”

Jessica Symes, Symes Group

“I love Facet 5 because it focuses on the individual and how they can use the information in their report, I have seen more meaningful and impactful behavioural changes as a result of people having and using their Facet5 reports than with any other psychometric; it enables practical application – people get it!”

European OD & Talent Manger, Samsung

“It’s simple and accurate. It gets to the point in a clear way and invites exploration of key personality areas and possible related behaviours.”

Learning & Development Manager, Lloyds TSB

“We’ve done MBTI and OPQ before, and thought this was much better as a tool for understanding people and teams.”

Head of HR, KPMG

“I wanted to thank you for a wonderful week of learning. I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere you create despite the amount of content we covered. Your expertise comes through without any ego – lovely! I look forward to figuring out how Facet5 will fit into my toolbox . . . many possibilities. I look forward to continuing to work with you.”

Kelly Ann McKnight, Stoneridge Consulting CA

Where and when can I become Facet5 accredited?

Find out where and when you can become Facet5 Accredited below. Here you can reserve your place or request further details.

Face to face Accreditation programmes are still being delivered. However, the delivery format will vary, depending on your location and the social distancing measures in place for that particular region. More details can be found below.

Also, bear in mind that we can also run accreditations ‘in-house’ (virtually if needed) for those who have a group of 3 or more people keen to become Accredited. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your options – email us at accreditations@facet5global.com

EMEA – Virtual – English (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts May 2024 – Date TBCBook here via email / More info
EMEA – Virtual – English (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 23rd September 2024Book here via email / More info
EMEA – Virtual – English (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 25th November 2024Book here via email / More info
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Danish6th & 7th May 2024Email us here for more info
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Danish9th & 10th September 2024Email us here for more info
Denmark (Aarhus) – Danish11th & 12th November 2024Email us here for more info
Italy – ItalianStarts 6th May 2024Email us here for more info
Italy – ItalianStarts 21st October 2024Email us here for more info
Lithuania – LithuanianStarts 3rd October 2023Email us here for more info
Netherlands (Amsterdam) – Dutch5th & 6th June 2024Email us here for more info
Netherlands (Amsterdam) – Dutch25th & 26th September 2024Email us here for more info
Netherlands (Amsterdam) – Dutch3rd & 4th December 2024Email us here for more info
Norway – Norwegian23rd & 24th May 2024Email us here for more info
Norway – Norwegian29th & 30th August 2024Email us here for more info
Norway – Norwegian24th & 25th October 2024Email us here for more info
Norway – Norwegian12th & 13th December 2024Email us here for more info
Poland – Polish14th, 17th & 18th June 2024Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak23rd – 24th May & 7th June 2024Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak3rd – 4th & 18th October 2024Email us here for more info
Sweden – Swedish27th & 28th September 2023Email us here for more info
Sweden – Swedish22nd & 23rd November 2023Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – EnglishStarts 5th December 2023Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – EnglishStarts 4th June 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – EnglishStarts 17th September 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – EnglishStarts 3rd December 2024Email us here for more info

Americas – Virtual (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 15th April 2024SORRY, THIS DATE IS NOW FULL
Americas – Virtual (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 23rd September 2024Book here via email / More info
APAC – Virtual (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 26th February 2024Book here via email / More info
APAC – Virtual (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 17th June 2024Book here via email / More info
APAC – Virtual (Delivered by Facet5 Global)Starts 14th October 2024Book here via email / More info
China7th & 8th December 2023Email us here for more info
Thailand (Bangkok) – Thai15th & 16th February 2024Email us here for more info
Thailand (Bangkok) – Thai25th & 26th April 2024Email us here for more info
Thailand (Bangkok) – Thai16th & 17th July 2024Email us here for more info
Thailand (Bangkok) – Thai17th & 18th December 2024Email us here for more info

Facet5 TeamScape Accreditation

Our TeamScape Accreditation is delivered online via 4, four hour modules. The programme expands on the knowledge gained during your Facet5 Accreditation and takes a deeper dive into team dynamics. Helping answer how:

  • You can identify similarities and differences amongst team members
  • Relationships will work, and
  • Teams will reach agreement and resolve disputes

The Accreditation also delves in to how Facet5 data is presented within a TeamScape; detailing how it should be interpreted in order to identify diversity and similarities within a team.

From here, the Accreditation offers opportunity to discuss how you can use Facet5 TeamScape as part of any team development. At this point there will be time to explore how you may wish to facilitate TeamScape as we offer a taster into some of our tried and tested exercises and activities to help embed the learning and leverage team success. So, be prepared to dive in and ‘give things a go!’


* Please note, as a prerequisite to TeamScape accreditation, individuals are required to have Facet5 Practitioner status.

Who is the accreditation for?

TeamScape can be used by anyone who supports people development and by those keen to understand how to get the best out of people – specifically teams!

Please note, as a prerequisite to TeamScape accreditation, individuals are required to have Facet5 Practitioner status.

Our existing Accredited users typically work within in-house HR / L&D teams, organisational development, recruitment & selection – or as coaching & development consultants and functional line managers.

Where and when can I become TeamScape accredited?

Find out where and when you can become TeamScape Accredited below. Here you can reserve your place or request further details.

Also, bear in mind that we can also run accreditations in-house for those who have a group of 3 or more people keen to become Accredited. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your options – email us at accreditations@facet5global.com

EMEA – Virtual22nd – 25th April 2024SORRY, THIS DATE IS NOW FULL
EMEA – Virtual24th – 27th June 2024Book here via email / More info
EMEA – Virtual14th – 17th October 2024Book here via email / More info
Slovakia – Slovak9th November 2023Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak11th – 12th April 2024Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak14th – 15th November 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – English8th February 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – English25th April 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – English6th June 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – English19th September 2024Email us here for more info
UK – Virtual – English5th December 2024Email us here for more info
Americas – VirtualDate to be confirmedBook here / More info
APAC – Virtual15th – 19th April 2024Book here via email / More info
APAC – Virtual2nd – 6th September 2024Book here via email / More info

Facet5 SuperSkills Accreditation

As with all our accreditations, this is an experiential programme – designed so that you have opportunity over the course of the day to put SuperSkills into practice, across a variety of relevant business challenges.

On successful completion of the accreditation you will leave ready to weave SuperSkills into development solutions back at your organisation or with your clients. You will have the confidence to apply SuperSkills across the following scenarios. . .

Individual development conversations – let’s talk about self-awareness

SuperSkills is a great framework from which to have a personal development conversation – or series of conversations. You might explore all SuperSkills in a single session for overall self-awareness, or focus on one at a time with complimentary models and exercises to enhance personal reflection and growth.

Team or group sessions – what makes a thriving team

Personality data is what makes the learning individual for each team member, while also highlighting the similarities and differences in the group. This works great when embedded into sessions which introduce the SuperSkills helping them to notice how they currently communicate, either as facilitated team days, team coaching sessions or group workshops.

Conversational leadership programmes – leadership is about authenticity, not authority

Revealing how each leader connects and relates to those around them might identify any blind spots; helping to seek out currently unspoken feedback. This also helps them to understand their current impact or consider where they are leveraging natural strengths in leading in a way that’s authentic to them. Embedding this within a leadership programme showcases to the business that ‘communication’ is a crucial leadership competency.

Manager as coach – supporting managers

A natural complement to developing coaching skills, SuperSkills go beyond technique and helps managers build awareness of their natural starting point. It helps individuals to find their personal coaching style that works best for them. Any coaching skills development should start with self-discovery, and SuperSkills can form a core for coaching skills whilst also be combined with alternative frameworks.

Who is the accreditation for?

The accreditation is suited to experienced coaches, organisational development practitioners or HR and learning and development professionals.

While the SuperSkills uses the same (BPS qualified psychometric) Facet5 questionnaire to generate robust and reliable personality data, it’s designed to be used as a standalone report and framework so you do not need to be an accredited Facet5 Practitioner to attend.

Where and when can I become SuperSkills accredited?

Find out where and when you can become SuperSkills Accredited below. Here you can reserve your place or request further details.

EMEA – VirtualDate to be confirmedBook Here / More info
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Danish8th April 2024Email us here for more info
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Danish30th September 2024Email us here for more info
Denmark (Copenhagen) – Danish2nd December 2024Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak23rd – 24th November 2023Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak13th – 14th June 2024Email us here for more info
Slovakia – Slovak4th – 5th December 2024Email us here for more info
APAC – VirtualDate to be confirmedBook Here / More info
Americas – VirtualDate to be confirmedBook Here / More info