
The executive team of one of Canada’s largest logistics organizations was functioning well enough to be reasonably efficient, but despite multiple weekly team meetings and the C-Suite members having known each other for many years, numerous critical business and operational issues weren’t being addressed. The C-Suite thought they were operating at optimal capacity with complete transparency but even ‘optimized’ teams have room for improvement.

Tools & Approach

In order to bring the executive team’s communication and efficiency to the next level, Felix customized a tiered program for the organization designed to enhance awareness, communication, and accountability based on the customer’s primary business objectives.

The key elements of the proposed solution were:

  • Personalized Facet5™ personality assessment reports with detailed individual debriefs
  • Comprehensive TeamScape™ report for all members
  • Customized facilitation session linked to the organization’s business objectives
  • Integrated personality prediction using the organization’s preferred assessment tool (holistic incorporation with Felix’s exclusive behavioral predictors)
  • Multiple post-program follow ups

Felix customized a tiered program for the organization designed to enhance awareness, communication, and accountability based on the customer’s primary business objectives.

Prior to the facilitation session, team members completed a 20 minute personality assessment questionnaire, an industry-leading behavioral predictor instrument that had already been implemented by the organization. We integrated the organization’s in-house personality prediction tool into the assessment process and a team profile was generated.

Leveraging data collected from the assessment tools and individual depth interviews, an experienced Felix consultant fostered a safe and confidential environment conducive to open communication and team development within a facilitation session. With strategic probing questions, critical business issues were unearthed, sensitive topics were made approachable, and new full-circle communication & feedback channels were formed ensuring on-going efficiency and transparency.

With strategic probing questions, critical business issues were unearthed, sensitive topics were made approachable, and new full-circle communication & feedback channels were formed.


With a newly developed in-depth understanding of one another and the right communication channels in place, the executive team became markedly more efficient which resulted in significant bottom-line impact for the organization and its shareholders. Mutual collaboration replaced multiple redundant independent discussions, team members knew exactly what was required from one another, and sensitive topics including critical business issues were discussed openly.

The greater clarity and transparency among the team increased collaboration and performance which ultimately translated into an 11.3% increase in profitability that year.

As a result, the C-suite was able to successfully address multiple unresolved business decisions imperative to the success of their fiscal and transport plan for the following year. The resulting greater clarity and transparency among the C-suite helped to increase their collaboration and overall performance which ultimately translated into an 11.3% increase in the organization’s profitability that year.

As the VP for Network Transportation and VP, Engineering commented, “I thought I knew my teammates well; now, I know them better. Very much looking forward to working with them at a higher level.”

Top Tips

  1. Even in organisations where performance is operating at a good level there is always room for significant improvement.
  2. Just because a team has worked together for a long time does not necessarily mean they understand one another or operate at optimal efficiency. Facet5 brings teams closer together and opens communications channels that may not previously have existed.
  3. Using examples and case studies to show the tangible business benefits of optimising team performance is a compelling way to encourage new clients to try Facet5.

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