
We were approached by a well-known retail client we had worked with several times previously, running workshops and assessment centres as well as on recruitment and selection projects. The client operates in Greece and in the Balkans, involving a large workforce in geographically dispersed locations.

They were creating a development plan for the middle management team, involving an assessment centre using business simulations. The HR team was keen to use a personality profiling tool to help them identify the dominant personality traits of the participants, examining any potential gaps between their natural preferences and their demonstrated behaviours in order to help them formulate the most effective training plan for the team ongoing. Although orchestrated by the HR department, we also co-ordinated with the sales team.

Tools and Approach

We had used Facet5 with this client in the past for recruitment and selection of senior management, so they were receptive to using it for this purpose.

The participants all took the Facet5 personality questionnaire so that we had excellent insight into their personal style and competencies, identifying the potential of each participant, their natural inclinations and any gaps between that and their general perceived behaviours.

The validity of Facet5, coupled with its simple language and lack of jargon, make it very credible, accessible and easy to understand, so it is always popular

We then used Facet5 to help decide what training and intervention might be required to ensure the middle management team performed at its optimum level, fulfilling their individual and team potential.


Identifying the gaps between natural personality tendencies and every day behaviour was incredibly interesting and revealing. For example, we noticed that there were people who were naturally very high in Energy and Will acting without the characteristic dynamism and extroversion that would be expected. This indicated that there may have been other factors at work affecting the individuals concerned, forcing them to alter or subdue their innate tendencies.

Facet5 helped us identify the gaps between natural personality tendencies and every day behaviour

The improved self-awareness and understanding of colleagues’ preferences was well received, and very useful to the people involved. It helped the team to get to know one another better, and definitely improved co-operation between them.

By accurately identifying not only the prevalent personality traits but also the gaps between those and behaviour, we were able to help devise a useful and relevant training schedule to develop the team. There were definitely a few insights for the management team when we analysed the results, with key learnings taken from the exercise.

Facet5 improves self-awareness and understanding of colleagues’ preferences, helping teams to get to know one another and raise co-operation

The company was delighted with the approach and the results we achieved, and we will continue to work with the company helping its other teams. The next phase will focus on team development using Teamscape and will definitely add value to the teams involved. We have a longstanding history of working with this company and there are several more projects in the pipeline.

We had feedback that the participants also enjoyed the process and found the results very interesting. The validity of Facet5, coupled with its simple language and lack of jargon, make it very credible, accessible and easy to understand, so it is always popular.

Top Tips

  1. Exploring the individual results openly with the team helps people to get to know one another, and identify gaps in natural preferences and perceived behaviours.
  2. Facet5 is simply written and easy to understand, but it is always useful to relate the insights back to real world situations and behaviours so participants can see how the theory works in practice.
  3. We have suggested using Facet5 in a number of different ways with our long term clients; it has so many applications and is always easily accessible and popular, so it is a very versatile and useful tool.
  4. To ensure each client gains the most from their investment in Facet5, proactively suggest potential opportunities for re-use of the information.

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